Osperity will present and demo its enterprise visual monitoring solution for exception-based management of field operations, assets, and facilities. Our platform utilizes computer vision (AI) & machine learning as well as input from other sensors and systems to distribute personalized, actionable insights to stakeholders across an enterprise.
If you’re heading there make sure you stop by for a chat. You can find us at booth 300.
With record-breaking attendance, hundreds of packed technical presentations, and an incredible industry response at URTeC 2017, 2018, and 2019, there is no doubt that the URTeC has been an overwhelming success.
URTeC 2020 in Austin looks to push the boundaries and continue as the premier event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources, with special emphasis on integration of the multiple disciplines.
URTeC bringing together the entire asset team together under one roof to connect on all things unconventional.