EV Charging Stations – Protect from vandalism, blocking, keep patrons and chargers safe
Osperity, an Intelligent Visual Monitoring company, can help mitigate many of these problems
The current state of electric car charging infrastructure is complicated and faces many challenges once installed; reliability issues, safety, blocking and vandalism are just a few of the problems facing EV drivers and charging station owners and manufacturers.
Security of Chargers

Vandalism of chargers and surrounding property is a problem facing many charging stations. With Osperity, alerting and monitoring can help catch perpetrators in the act. Our system can be set-up so that authorities get the alert, enabling them to act immediately.
Vehicle Validation

Osperity’s Intelligent Visual Monitoring system can detect and alert on vehicles idling or blocking access without charging. We can set the timer to anything appropriate. If you set an idle vehicle alert for one hour, you will immediately be notified when the timer has reached its limit with a visual validation. Charging station owners can then decide whether to cite or tow the vehicle..
Automated Visual Inspections

With Osperity you can schedule inspections at any interval you want. Operators
can inspect their sites for general cleanliness and only drive to that station
when something needs to be done, saving time, money and windshield time,
while decreasing downtime.
Safety of Patrons and Their Vehicles

Osperity’s system is exception-based, which means you can set alerts to notify
you when a specific event is triggered. Alerts are accessible through Osperity’s
platform, email, or any connected device.